Thursday, July 24

Deterrence is the only effective tool against east Jerusalem terror

Deterrence is the only effective tool against east Jerusalem terror, that's what the Jerusalem Post and Israpundit say and they're right

When asked, however, to discuss the first bulldozer attack in Jerusalem, on July 2, Diskin turned critical, noting that Israel lacked effective deterrence against such attacks, mainly due to the foot-dragging on the demolition of homes belonging to the perpetrators of the Mercaz Harav and first bulldozer attacks.

Considering the dozens of construction sites throughout Jerusalem and the many Arabs who work on them, there is almost no effective way to prevent a lone attacker from deciding to turn his work tool into a killing machine except for deterrence. The failure to demolish or even seal the homes of the previous attackers is a mistake that, according to the Shin Bet, is enabling future attacks.

Forget just demolishing the homes, they can always build new ones. We have to really fight back instead of just waiting for them to attack.

Nobody ever won a fight by sitting back and taking it.

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Eddie Beckford , Violent Missionary Thug Attacks Jews

It's really sick to see these American thugs and con artists like Eddie Beckford AKA Edwin Beckford coming to Israel from Harlem to assault Jews and promote hate. You can see on this video what an evil man this Eddie Beckford is, how sick and violent and full of hate.

You can find videos made by Edwin Beckford's followers all over YouTube preaching hate against Jews, from these so-called people who claim to follow the Bible. They obviously don't know it very well. Meanwhile they try to excuse and justify his violent attacks showing they're no different than Nazis, because THERE IS ALWAYS AN EXCUSE.

These disgusting people like Eddie Beckford and Lura Beckford come to Israel in the name of hate because they wore out their welcome in America. So they come to Israel, stir up trouble and then ask Americans to give them money to "protect them from the Jews" Sick stuff and sick people.

According to Samurai Mohel, Edwin Beckford 's "ministry" Kingsmen Arad is even named after the Kingsmen gang that Eddie Beckford used to run with back in Harlem. Now he's created a chapter in Israel funded by any money he can get anywhere.

It's amazing that Israel is so tolerant of these people like Eddie and Lura Beckford who rabidly hate Jews and even engage in criminal acts against them. If these people hate Jews so much THEY SHOULD JUST LEAVE. Just like anyone who hates America should leave.

Eddie Beckford, go back to where you came from and leave the Jewish people alone.

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